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New to cycling, should a bike fit be an essential purchase?

We all buy the bike, the clothes the shoes and helmet but should a bike fit be on your list?

We all know what you have to have, a bike. We also know that to get the best out of your ride that a good pair of bib short, jersey, shoes and a helmet are also great purchases. It also becomes known very quickly that cycling is not a cheap sport. But should a bike fit make it onto your essential purchase list?

We say yes. Obviously you could say we're biased as bike fitting is what we do. But what we also know is how many people arrive with issues they've had from day one. How many days they've struggled on a ride that should have been enjoyable and how many days they've missed because of avoidable injuries and pain.

So why should you add a bike fit to your purchase or pre-purchase list.

1) Getting the right bike for you. We all want the latest aero road bike that weighs 300 grams, climbs like a demon and breezes along on the flats. But can your body take that position?

Also what size do you need in the style of bike you have chosen? We have had the the odd occasion where a person arrives for a fit and we have to tell them the bike is the wrong size and no matter what we do, it will never fit them correctly. It's a very expensive mistake and normally due to a salesperson having that size in the shop.

2) Start as you mean to go on. If you're set up correctly in the first place, every single one of those early miles that feel long will benefit you completely. Also with the correct fit there are less rides missed.

3) Cycling is a sport that most people fall for as soon as they try it. But would you enjoy going out and being in pain because you're not set up right? Too many people are turn off by cycling because it's uncomfortable when they begin. 99% of this discomfort is down to not being fit to your off the shelf bike.

So yes it's an investment and yes when you're first buying everything the budget can be tight, but a bike fit could be the best purchase you make (after your bike, bib shorts and a helmet).


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